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QUILT 2019

Tressa Heckbert

The SESSA studio has been waist deep in fabric!! Over 60 bolts with min. 1m on each


At the beginning I felt overwhelmed with guilt that I had 'collected' all this through the years while still wanting to buy for the next steps into our sustainable strategy


Folding it all, organizing and seeing the plethora before me brought me to a place of happiness. (which was a big task believe me!) Each piece of fabric linked to a time, place, and accomplishment.


For 2019 we are making a collection with all of these textile memories, we are creating our Quilt

Sharman Dress

Sharman Dress

Quilt 2019

the whole is greater than the sum of its parts ~ Aristotle


All fabric sourced from my studio. From past collections, gifts, donations, to fabrics that I felt inspired to buy but never came to be something. These textiles contain all my memories in design for the past decade.


As hard as this collection is to translate and reflect unity, my excitement for this next chapter is massive!

Jesse Top

Jesse Top

Somewhere to Start

Tressa Heckbert

The easiest place for us to improve our environmental footprint was to start from the bottom up, literally.  Looking down on our studio floors and in our waste baskets there were fabric scraps everywhere. “What do we do with all our cutting waste?” As is the case of many studios I have worked in over the years, you get used to the compiling amount of scraps and the task of throwing it out.  The quantity of materials has a very visual impact, something that is hard to ignore.  So, we decided it was here we would begin our steps towards achieving sustainability. Through brainstorming design ideas and the functionality of the different shapes and sizes of discarded fabric, we came up with solutions to even our tiniest scrap of fabric waste.

Bag 0392.jpg

Our new Carry All bags are created using our second largest pieces of fabric waste, cut into 1½” strips and woven basket style. This bag also features a upcycled pillowcase lining and inner pocket.

Hula Hoop rugs consists of many meters of 1” fabric scrap yarn, which is then woven into a “rag rug” style using the hoop as the loom.

Panel Pillows include both the largest fabric waste pieces and the tiniest of scrap, we create “one of's” panelled pillows and stuff them with the last of all our itsy bitsy bits.

The Trumpet Top features an ornamental ⅜” scrap linear weave within the large net detail of main fabric. (main fabric is made from deadstock)


Zero Waste Fashion

A design or manufacturing technique eliminating textile waste. E.g. : Draping, smocking, zero waste patterning, whole garment knitting, using scraps or 'cut offs' in a secondary product.

Upcycling Designs

The transformation of materials into products of equal or higher quality. Prolonging life of textile waste.  









Under Da Sea

Tressa Heckbert

Under Da Sea is a conceptualized collection encompassing the four seasons, which will be released throughout 2018. Sustainability, responsibility and wearability are at the forefront of this collection, with each piece being transformative throughout each season. At SESSA, the impact of our environmental footprint has inspired sustainability in our designs, and challenged us towards achieving zero waste in the creation of each piece of clothing.  Follow Under Da Sea throughout 2018 as we change, evolve, and grow through our first transeasonal collection.